Thursday, March 29, 2012

Morning Weigh in and a Couple Goals

This morning I hopped on the scale and was happy that it went down. Now it just has to do that a million more times. :-P

I decided to make myself a couple goals. These are some small goals that I can work towards without the whole daunting idea of wanting to lose 60 lbs. They are listed below with my weigh in.

Today is going to be a great day. I have a bunch of work to do, but I am going to make time to get to the gym and get my workout in.

(3.28.2012) 207
(3.29.2012) 205.6

Mini Goal #1: 199.8 (Onederland)
Mini Goal #2: 196.6 (5% lost)
Mini Goal #3: 194 (BMI 29.9)
Mini Goal #4: 186.2 (10% lost) - by graduation

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Here we go again...

This has become a familiar tune, yet here I am again. It's never comforting to know that you are back at the beginning, but at the very least I am at least pointed in the right direction. I know where I need to go and I am back on track. I currently have two goals set. My first goal is to be 100% on plan everyday for a week. This week will be daily workouts and a tight diet. All fruits, veggies, and dairy plus LOTS of water. Next Wednesday morning I will be weighing in to see how much I have lost in my first week. My second goal is to run a 5k by graduation. I will be doing the C25K to achieve this second goal.

This is my all-time high. After today, I hope I will never be here again.

(3.28.12) 207 lbs
I have stayed on diet today and got a morning workout in at the gym. This evening I did a little extra running the steps in my apartment building a couple times and a short jog/walk outside.