As a 23 year old graduating from college in a couple months, it seems odd to call this the beginning. There has been so much in my life that has shaped me into who I am, but now is when I decide who I will become. Reflecting on the past is necessary for growth, but so is looking to the future. That is exactly what I plan to do now.
Since sometime in high school, I have been overly aware and disapproving of my weight. It has waxed and waned in intensity, but it has been there. I remember feeling really good about myself as I graduated high school. I worked all year to get into a bikini. It is an amazing bikini. I still have it. Three years later, I had gained weight, but managed to lose most of it. Once again, I felt pretty good about myself. I looked good. It is two more years down the line and I am back at my high weight. I want what I used to have, but more importantly, I want to stop the cyclical nature of my weight.
I have felt this way for a while, thinking about it often. Today, I began to do something about it. This is the last beginning. I am going to find my right size. Hopefully, in the process I will also discover who I am and who I want to be.
I know that starting back down this road is the right path. I just need to keep going and not turn back.
My current plan is to feed my body - not my habbit, emotions, or bordom. I also want to live an active life.
For now, I will make some future goals and some short term goals. Each week, I will make new short term goals and evaluate if I accomplished the last weeks and why. I need to learn from each week. I need to grow (and shrink! lol).
Long Term Goal: Feel good about my lifestyle, eating habits, and appearance by the start of grad school in August/September.
Week Goal: Only eat when hungry. Manage portion sizes. Eat breakfast every morning. Exercise often. Come up with something I like about myself each day.
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