Saturday, October 1, 2011


After a little surfing around on the internet I discovered that I really want to wear more dresses. I don't have many at all - and I normally think I don't look very good in them. I am going to work towards wearing them more often and hopefully have a slimmer figure for them as well. As it gets colder, I can only think how I would love to rock a cute little dress, some leggings, and boots. I will have to find a pair of leggings that I like. I recently moved from sunny Florida to chilly NY. I don't have the cute winter wardrobe yet, so I will have to build it. I am going to wait till it gets a little cooler and hopefully I'm a little slimmer, to invest, but I hope I can pull off sleek and not bulky winter wear. I love the look of boots, yet will have to decide how to best wear them. I'll have to find some nice (not scary) skinny jeans. Hmmm...

Yay for clothes as motivation!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Full Fridge and a Hot Oven

I hopped on the scale mid-day today and to my surprise the numbers started with a 202. I am very happy with the weight that is coming off so quickly in this phase. I know it is probably a lot of water weight and due to just starting the diet, but I don't feel deprived, I eat all the time, and it's good food! I completely ran out of grapes and berries, so I went to the store again today to stock up for the rest of phase 1. I just love having some fresh fruit and yogurt in the mornings for breakfast. I have to get up a little earlier to make time to eat, but so far it has been worth it. Right now I have some sweet potato fries cooking in the oven. Yum! This weekend is the Apple Harvest Festival in the Commons and as my first fall in the Big Apple I think I will have to find some good for me apple-y goodies.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Staying Strong

Well, it has been 3 whole days. That may not seem like a lot but it is a victory. When I woke up Monday morning and started this journey, I weighed myself. 205.6. I have no idea how it got to that. This morning I was 204.4. In only 2 days I lost 1.2 lbs. I think about cheating, but I resist. I think I can make it through phase 1. After that I get to add back in meat. This is going to be great and very do-able.

I did the math today and I am technically obese according to BMI. I will just be 'overweight' at 194. That will be my first goal. 194 by Halloween. Ill keep you updated.


Monday, September 26, 2011

A New Beginning - Part Duex

Well, my last beginning came and went as fast as they all do. I am not proud of that fact, and I was going to create a new blog, but then decided that trying to forget the past is the opposite of what I need to do. Everything I said in those posts were true and a periodic reminder of them could pose helpful in the long run.

My new 'new beginning' began today. It is the first day of the Fat Smash Diet - a 90 day plan in 4 phases. It seems like perfect timing since in 90 days it will be Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve. What great motivation. Phase 1 is 9 days long and is considered a detox. I am pretty much only allow fruits and veggies with the exception of a couple egg whites, low fat yogurt and some milk for proteins. Along with the eating plan, I am supposed to do 30 min of exercise 5 times each week and a 20-25 min walk after dinner. I can handle that. For exercise today I did the 30 day shred. I'm not sure if I will be doing that for all 30 days, but it is a nice, quick, efficient workout. The food has been great so far. I stocked up on all my favorite fruits and veggies. Hopefully this won't be too hard. Off to a great start. I am going to make it through this first phase and only keep moving forward. At this point I have nothing to lose and everything to gain from gaining nothing and losing a lot.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Temptation and Regret

Why do I always manage to sabatage my own efforts? I have heard arguments that your body will crave what it needs, but what about when it craves what it doesn't need or what it is used to? Tonight, I made a bad decision, followed by some good ones. While I did do a good job of improving my decisions and moving on, I don't want to live making reactionary choices, but rather the right choice the first time.

Tonight, for some reason I can't figure out now, I bought a frozen pizza and TWO packs of different little debbie treats. I ate half the box of one, a quarter to a third of the other and half the pizza. I realized that I was too full after the second slice of pizza, but I forced myself to finish it and another slice. This doesn't make sense to me. I did great during the day, to distroy my efforts in the evening. I threw out the remainder of everything. I don't want to be tempted with it tomorrow, so now it is in the trash. To try to help the situation, I am going to do an extra workout tomorrow and not give up on this lifestyle.

I know I can do this, but I don't know why I find it so hard. Why is it that even when I know what the right decision is, I make the wrong one?

What are my motivations for chaging my life? I want to be more confident and accepted. I think I have a chance to start over in grad school. I want to be more popular. I want to be loved.

Do I think that someone must be skinny to have any of those? No. So, why do I feel that losing weight will assist me? I know that it is good for me to lose weight. I tell myself I don't have that much to lose, but I want to lose about 45-50 lbs. Thats a lot. Do I think it is not achievable? No. Do I think I can do it with hardwork? Yes.

Maybe when I figure out my true motivations, it will become easier...

Saturday Update

Today, I was on a mission to go on a bike ride. I got my bike out and BOTH tires were flat. (My roommate had warned me that the air leaks from the tires when you don't use your bike for a while. Maybe that will have to be my excuse to use it on a more frequent basis. I don't want another day of trying to get those tires in working order.) In effort to fill the tires with air, I nearly broke my back getting my bike into my little Honda Accord. I think I tried putting it 10 different ways. Once I got one that I thought would work, I drove it to the gas station. After fiddling with the air compressor to get it to work, I finally filled my front tire and then the back. I looked back at the front and it needed some more air. Then I noticed it was completely flat again. UGH! So I stuff my bike back into my car and drive home. Now I still have a nonfunctional bike, but I WANT to go on this bike ride. Its a wonderfully sunny day in Florida. I have a right to go on this bike ride. I get my bike upside down and take off the front wheel. I look for a place to buy a new tire tube. I can't find a place to buy a new tube for my tire so I put the whole wheel in my car and drive to the bike shop. They fix up my tire and I head back home. Next, I wrestle with the bike to get the tire back on around the break. It wasn't this hard to get the thing off, but it was deflated then. I get it on, grab a bottle of water and I ride off. There was just enough time left before sunset to get my ride in. It was nice. (By nice I mean - the hills were exhausting, and I was out of breathe for most of the ride, but I got home in one piece.) 5K. I feel great that I did that today. I also have managed to not ruin my diet. I rediscovered the beauty of edamame. Yum!

I feel good for the day. I am going to do just as well tomorrow! I think I will ride my bike to work in the morning. :) It's a double shift, so Ill also take an apple for my break.

Feelin good today. I can get used to this.


In the Beginning...

As a 23 year old graduating from college in a couple months, it seems odd to call this the beginning. There has been so much in my life that has shaped me into who I am, but now is when I decide who I will become. Reflecting on the past is necessary for growth, but so is looking to the future. That is exactly what I plan to do now.

Since sometime in high school, I have been overly aware and disapproving of my weight. It has waxed and waned in intensity, but it has been there. I remember feeling really good about myself as I graduated high school. I worked all year to get into a bikini. It is an amazing bikini. I still have it. Three years later, I had gained weight, but managed to lose most of it. Once again, I felt pretty good about myself. I looked good. It is two more years down the line and I am back at my high weight. I want what I used to have, but more importantly, I want to stop the cyclical nature of my weight.

I have felt this way for a while, thinking about it often. Today, I began to do something about it. This is the last beginning. I am going to find my right size. Hopefully, in the process I will also discover who I am and who I want to be.

I know that starting back down this road is the right path. I just need to keep going and not turn back.

My current plan is to feed my body - not my habbit, emotions, or bordom. I also want to live an active life.

For now, I will make some future goals and some short term goals. Each week, I will make new short term goals and evaluate if I accomplished the last weeks and why. I need to learn from each week. I need to grow (and shrink! lol).

Long Term Goal: Feel good about my lifestyle, eating habits, and appearance by the start of grad school in August/September.

Week Goal: Only eat when hungry. Manage portion sizes. Eat breakfast every morning. Exercise often. Come up with something I like about myself each day.